Colorado Futures Center Research

Who are Colorado’s School Age Children Without Access To The Internet?

Nearly 1 in 20 school-age children in Colorado who are living in households without internet. This brief is designed to help Colorado leaders and decision makers better understand who these children are, where they live, and how Colorado’s digital divide has the potential to widen the state’s existing educational achievement gap. Specifically, the 54,000 [...]

Doubled-Up Households in Colorado

In January 2018, The Colorado Futures Center, in partnership with Shift Research Lab, released Exploring Colorado’s Housing Affordability Challenges, which revealed a largely unexplored phenomenon: more Coloradans are living with friends, roommates and family members in “doubled-up” households. This brief, the first in a two-part series, explores the data on doubled-up households in Colorado, [...]

Housing Unaffordability

Housing unaffordability has become an increasing concern in Colorado. This research is designed to help policymakers, advocates and housing experts better understand the many factors contributing to the state’s housing crisis by providing insight into unfavorable trends impacting the housing system. In the report  Exploring Colorado’s Housing Affordability Challenges in All of Their Complexity, the authors [...]

Family Economic Security

The Colorado economy is evolving, and as it does the labor market is evolving along with it. In a pattern similar to that of the US overall, Colorado has been losing middle income jobs, albeit less steeply that nation-wide. As a result, fewer of Colorado’s jobs support household self sufficiency.  Since housing is the single [...]

Assessing the Economic and Budgetary Impact of Medicaid Expansion in Colorado

In 2013, the Colorado General Assembly passed, and Gov. Hickenlooper signed, Senate Bill (SB) 13-200 authorizing the expansion of Medicaid under the 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA). Colorado is currently one of 32 states (including Washington D.C.) to implement Medicaid expansion after this ACA provision was ruled optional by the U.S. Supreme Court in its [...]

Measuring the Impact of Tax and Expenditure Limits on Public School Finance in Colorado

More than 80 percent of Coloradans pay more in school property taxes than they would if voters had never enacted the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, according to a study by the Colorado Futures Center at Colorado State University and published by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, a nonpartisan think tank. [...]

The 2013 Colorado Sustainability Study

The Colorado Sustainability Study released December 3, 2013 reveals the budgetary health of the state of Colorado through the year 2030. The 2013 Sustainability Study is an update to earlier research published in 2011. The 2011 study is available here: General Fund Revenues and Expenditures: A Structural Imbalance Learn more about the findings of the Sustainability Study with [...]

Housing Affordability’s Impact on Local Government Finance: A Case Study

A joint report by Colorado Futures Center at Colorado State University and the Piton Foundation, released in December 2014, researched housing affordability’s impact on local government finance in Adams County, and found that the county faced $170 million in crowded-out spending due to a lack of affordable housing options. Households that are cost-burdened have a [...]

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